HBC Blog

Jesus, the Church and Transmogrification

It’d be pretty hard to find someone who would disagree that the world is constantly changing, and not necessarily for the better.   “Things aren’t what they used to be, I’ll tell you that!” is a familiar cry among some. So why do we continue to do church the same

Overcoming Barriers in Evangelism

If you are like me…evangelism at one time, and perhaps still does, strikes fear deep into your heart, turning your blood cold, and dramatically affecting your ability to form complete sentences without your voice cracking, or remember anything that was ever written in the Bible. Ever. Sharing such personal beliefs is


Prayer is the language of absolute dependence on God for everything. It is absolutely foundational for church planting. Without regular prayer, we might be tempted to think that we can do this all on our own, and as I’m fond of saying – we can certainly “do church” on our

So…What’s an Informational Meeting?

It sounds so corporate and boring – “Informational Meeting.”  Leaves a bad taste in your mouth like burnt coffee.  OK, perhaps not quite that bad.  An Informational Meeting is where we can do a bunch of non-corporate, non-burnt coffee things. Like… Cast the Vision.  What is the vision of the

Do We Really Need More Churches?

Umm…at the risk of making this the shortest blog post ever…YES. OK, but seriously.  We do need more churches.  Why?  #OKCalmDown, I will explain. First, a question – take a guess – what is the current ratio of churches to people in the US? Like 1 church per XX number

A Historical Message

If you’ve been reading this blog more than 90 seconds, hopefully you have realized that we are really big on the gospel.  “Gospel centrality” is one of our core, non-negotiable values.  Darrin Patrick in his helpful book, Church Planter speaks of the gospel being a historical message.  When some people

What is the Mission?

In our exploration of the topic of church planting, we have already looked at the “why” in the last few posts, but now let’s take a look at the “what.”  What is it that churches do?  Or more pointedly – what is the most important thing churches do? What is

Why Plant Churches?

The obvious question must be asked – why plant churches at all?  Two reasons: First, it is how the Great Commission gets done. Look in Matthew 28 – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,teaching

Getting Ready to Launch

This past Monday, we held an Informational Meeting and by God’s grace we had 14 people commit to being part of the Launch Team for Highlands Bible Church! The team is being built and it is so exciting to see the beginning of things coming together. When we talk about