Resurrection. Really? Important.

Empty grave

This is the Easter season, and the highlight of it for Christians is Easter Sunday, where we traditionally celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.   This is a good time for us to consider two questions about the resurrection of Jesus.

First, did the resurrection really happen?  In a word – YES, it really did.  Jesus actually died on an actual Roman cross, and was actually put in a tomb sealed with an actually super heavy rock and a few actual super bad Roman soldiers to make sure no funny business happened…because it was predicted numerous times by Jesus himself that he would rise from the dead.  (Check out – Mark 8;31; 9:31; 10:32-34 to name a few…).  This is proven in history, not only the in the Bible.  (Check out the first century historian Josephus for example, in his Antiquites of the Jews Chapter 3…).  We also know it happened due to the sheer fact that there is no body of Jesus found.  Think about that simple fact – if there was a hoax (like the disciples stole the body or something equally silly) all that was needed was to produce the body and this whole Christianity thing just goes away.  But. It. Didn’t.  It blew up.

Second, why is it important?  Quite simply, without the resurrection there is no gospel.  Look at what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15 – “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.” (1 Corinthians 15:17 ESV).  Without the resurrection our faith is futile. Useless.  Of no value.  The resurrection, like other key aspects of the gospel, cannot be removed or pushed aside as of little importance. In an age where absolute truth is hung out to personal interpretation, we need to hold tightly to the absolute truths of the gospel.

So what does this mean to us?  It means that because Jesus has been resurrected to new life, we too can share in new life thru repentance and faith in Jesus.  Christianity is not a life-sized bandaid that weak people put over their lives to give them a warm fuzzy feeling about heaven.  It is the provision of a brand new life. Is there any situation or life that is beyond the reach of God’s healing in the gospel?  NO.  It is trading in our old dead sin-filled lives for a new life – one that is abundant in purpose and freedom.  This is all possible because Jesus was resurrected from the dead.  It really happened.  And it is really important.  We learn about Jesus in the church.  We live together in community. We are on mission together for God’s glory.

Want a place to worship with others this Easter?  The Green Pond Campus is having a Good Friday service at 7pm and an Easter Sunday service at 10:30am.  We’d love to see you there an all are welcome!