The Gathered Church […sort of]

We are blessed with the people we have at Highlands Bible Church…I just wish we could see all of you.  At one time, in one place…like we used to do every *SINGLE* Sunday morning.  Boy…will we ever take that for granted again?  I think not.

Don’t get me wrong, I have enjoyed the expanded freedom to have some people inside the building, some outside, and the rest online.  But it’s still not the same thing as having everyone together again.

This is the concept of the “gathered” church.  You see, church itself is not a building, it is a people.  A people who have been transformed by faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ and live transformed lives.  Usually once a week we all gather together and then we scatter back into our neighborhoods, jobs, family and friends.

The gathered church is what Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 11 and what the author of Hebrews talks about famously in chapter 10 verses 24-25 when he warns about “not forsaking the gathering.”  Those words have been kicking around in my head.  I’m not forsaking the gathering, but I sure am missing it. At least in its full form.

The thing is – I think it is right to feel that way.  This is still the cold soggy blanket that is draped all over our society with the Coronavirus and the resulting social distancing restrictions.  Everything seems to feel like it’s a little bit less than things used to be.  Like things are not quite right.  Like walking around with only one sock on or something.

Things aren’t quite right.  And they won’t be until things are back to “normal” in our gathering.  The Bible is pretty clear on what makes a local church – it’s the people of the church gathered together all at once.  [See those verses above.] Anything less that that just feels like half the family is at Thanksgiving Dinner.  [Boy…I’m chock full of analogies today.]

But until then, we each make our own decisions based on our situation in semi-quarantine.  Some come to worship in the sanctuary. Some worship outside at church.  Some still stay home and watch the livestream.  That’s OK, but again, it should have the feeling of “something still isn’t quite right.”

And they aren’t.

And I still miss seeing everyone together, and I pray we are all able to see this again soon.  Until then, please pray for the work of the gospel at Highlands.  Please pray for us all to be sustained in the unity of the faith no matter how we worship on Sundays. And please pray that we can all be gathered together in one room soon.

Love you all, church.

Pastor Mike