Location, Location, Location…and God’s Providence


It’s probably, in all likelihood, the most often asked question of a church planter is “Where will the new church be?” It’s an honest question…and a very important one. Location is super important, and so are lots of other logistical questions, but the danger is that we can get lost in them and distracted from the main mission. As the great Jonathan Holmes said “You aren’t planting a church service, you are planting a church.” Planting a church is far more than just putting up a sign, brewing some (hopefully decent) java, singing songs, hearing someone speak, and then shaking hands and head home. A church is a work of God to advance his life-transforming gospel in the community through the lives of faithful disciples.

Which is why, hopefully, if you have been reading this blog for more than five minutes you have seen a reliance on God moving in response to honest prayer. It is God who alone must work to establish his church and open up hard hearts to hear his gospel – ours is to be faithful. Sometimes we get a front row seat to see God work, and sometimes it is more hidden from us.

Which is why it was all the more special to me when I had a meeting with a local school administrator this past week to discuss the possibility of using his school for the Highlands Bible Church. Turns out he just “happened” to be a believer and “happened” to be super excited about our church meeting there. God’s providence was even highlighted in our meeting as he said “You know you aren’t here by accident, right?” Umm…yes…I do. At least I like to think I do. I try to remember God’s hand must be the prime mover in all of this, but I can in my project management little fallen brain, get consumed with details and task lists. It’s nice when I’m suddenly reminded that God will establish his church, his way, for his glory!

Please be praying for us as we sort through a small maze of details like finances, technical set up, child care, insurance, folding chairs…and coffee.

…and please be excited with us.  It truly feels like momentum is starting to build and this will happen one day!  We’d love for you to be a part of it, please contact us if you would like more info.