HBC Blog

Not Only With Words…

Which is more important – words or actions? The old saying “action speaks louder than words” come to mind? How about the gospel itself…I mean you can do all the good deeds in the world, but the gospel is a message…so at some point you will have to speak. So

Compassion Killers

In the last post, we were talking about compassion being a major motivation for planting a church.  But there are some things we need to watch out for that kill compassion.  Such as: Legalism kills compassion.  When we hold so tightly to our own interpretation of what someone must do

Why Plant Churches?

The obvious question must be asked – why plant churches at all?  Two reasons: First, it is how the Great Commission gets done. Look in Matthew 28 – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,teaching