HBC Blog

If God is Sovereign, Why Pray?

[The following is a summary from a sermon Pastor Mike Ruel preached on Romans 15:22-33, which can be found here] In Romans 15:30, Paul writes to the church in Rome: “I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together

Call to Prayer

2017 is shaping up to be a pretty big year for Highlands Bible Church.  Why do I say that?  I’ll give you three reasons. First, we continue to grow, and by grow I don’t mean people just stopping by – I mean families who are making Highlands their church home.

Ministry Teams – Part 1

Now that we’ve completed our study of the “One Anothers” we are ready to turn the corner into some hard core logistics! (Yes, I’m partly a geek.) We will spend a few weeks mapping out these teams on paper, then in our pre-launch meetings in Jan and Feb we will

Questions…and Answers?

Starting a church generates a lot of questions.  #LOTS.  That’s good.  The two most frequently asked questions are (1) Where are you meeting?  and (2) When will you start.  [Just for the record: 1) Cedar Mountain School and (2) Easter 2016 – March 27th] Lots of questions mean that people are

Location = Check!

This past week while Pastor Mike, Mel, and Carinne were at Sovereign Grace’s WorshipGod conference, (which was awesome, as expected) we received a very important letter in the mail. This letter said that we have official approval for the Highlands Bible Church to meet at Cedar Mountain School, in Vernon,

Location, Location, Location…and God’s Providence

It’s probably, in all likelihood, the most often asked question of a church planter is “Where will the new church be?” It’s an honest question…and a very important one. Location is super important, and so are lots of other logistical questions, but the danger is that we can get lost


Prayer is the language of absolute dependence on God for everything. It is absolutely foundational for church planting. Without regular prayer, we might be tempted to think that we can do this all on our own, and as I’m fond of saying – we can certainly “do church” on our