HBC Blog

Highlands Bible Church – at Cedar Mountain School

As we have previously announced …we have a LOCATION! Praise God! We will be meeting at the Cedar Mountain School, located at 17 Sammis Rd, Vernon, NJ 07462. It is just about as ideal of a location as one could find. Why is it ideal? Well, I’m glad you asked!

One Anothers – Part 2

Last time we looked at 5 “One Anothers” – Love one another, show honor to one another, live in harmony with one another, judge not one another (improperly), welcome one another. This week, we will look at five more, so let’s jump right in! Instruct One Another.  “I myself am

Jesus, the Church and Transmogrification

It’d be pretty hard to find someone who would disagree that the world is constantly changing, and not necessarily for the better.   “Things aren’t what they used to be, I’ll tell you that!” is a familiar cry among some. So why do we continue to do church the same

Not Only With Words…

Which is more important – words or actions? The old saying “action speaks louder than words” come to mind? How about the gospel itself…I mean you can do all the good deeds in the world, but the gospel is a message…so at some point you will have to speak. So

Overcoming Barriers in Evangelism

If you are like me…evangelism at one time, and perhaps still does, strikes fear deep into your heart, turning your blood cold, and dramatically affecting your ability to form complete sentences without your voice cracking, or remember anything that was ever written in the Bible. Ever. Sharing such personal beliefs is

Resurrection. Really? Important.

This is the Easter season, and the highlight of it for Christians is Easter Sunday, where we traditionally celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.   This is a good time for us to consider two questions about the resurrection of Jesus. First, did the resurrection really happen?  In a word –

Do We Really Need More Churches?

Umm…at the risk of making this the shortest blog post ever…YES. OK, but seriously.  We do need more churches.  Why?  #OKCalmDown, I will explain. First, a question – take a guess – what is the current ratio of churches to people in the US? Like 1 church per XX number

A Historical Message

If you’ve been reading this blog more than 90 seconds, hopefully you have realized that we are really big on the gospel.  “Gospel centrality” is one of our core, non-negotiable values.  Darrin Patrick in his helpful book, Church Planter speaks of the gospel being a historical message.  When some people